
January is not normally a month I associate with joy. Honestly, this year I probably spent too many January days at work or on my couch being a bum because I am not a fan being so cold that I lose feeling in my hands and feet after 2 minutes outside. I was reflecting today on how difficult the past month has been...too much work, not enough sleep, my brother-in-law being really sick, feeling discouraged about searching for a new apartment (I know, I sound like fun to be around). 

After some time spent in prayer, God gently pointed out to me that rather than dwelling on the unpleasant things the past month brought (I hesitate to call them hardships or afflictions because I know there are many people out there dealing with very real hardships); I should be thinking on the moments of joy that He gave me in the midst of those difficulties. I took a trip to my Bible's concordance to look up verses about joy and since I am a list addict, I started making a list of the joys I experienced last month.

1. I got to spend special, one on one time with each of my nieces and nephews.

2. I saw God answer prayers and heal my brother-in-law.

3. I got to experience a few warm, sunny days in the middle of winter.
4. Animals, babies, baby animals, animals and babies's amazing how much joy this combination brings!
5. With the extra time I spent with the kiddos while my sis stayed at the hospital with her husband I had a chance to rediscover the joy of playtime.
 6. Relationships
7. Moments of awe at God's creation
In the end, I realized joy was there all along.

Here are a few of the verses that spoke to me today. Enjoy!

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


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