A Walk at the Eastern Promenade

I have been off work for 7 glorious days...7 days during which I could have written multiple blog posts.  Did I? No I waited until it was time to go back to work.  Procrastination is my middle name.  I spent a lot of time with new friends and catching up on some reading and loved every minute of this week-long break but unfortunately that meant lazy blogging (Sorry Mom, I'm pretty sure you're the only one reading).  Without further ado (drum roll): A last minute blog post!!! Hope you enjoy!
I have no idea what was going on with the sailing.  I sat and watched a long time and it seemed like mass chaos.  There were lots of horns and yelling and it looked like everyone was going a different direction.  Definitely entertaining.
 I imagined these stairs might lead someplace wonderful.  So enticing. Unfortunately they only led to a cannon and since I was hoping for Narnia it was a bit disappointing.

Not sure who they are but these gentlemen made me smile :)

And the sculpture below made me think of the game mousetrap.  Does that game still exist?
Finally, what walk would be complete without trains.  A man even stopped and asked me why the tracks were so narrow.  Apparently I look like I know about trains.  Who knew!  Then again, maybe the conductor hat and overalls that I was wearing might have inadvertently sent that message.

So that's it, a walk at the Eastern Promenade.  I actually have quite a few pictures that I'll try to post next week but I realized that this might become a very long post.  Now I truly must get ready for work.


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