Bits and Pieces

Well, the weather outside has been frightful, so I've spent a bit more time than usual on the internet. I've been procrastinating instead of packing my apartment...typical.  Here are a few things I found or people sent me. Hope you enjoy! 

This is amazing! Adoption 

God Made A Nurse 

Being pale, it's a real problem

I'm more concerned about germs coming home from the hospital with me than carrying them in but.... Scrubs on the street 

The internet Look how far we've come!

I made cranberry cheddar bread a few weeks ago and have leftover cranberries, so now I want to make these biscuits to use them up but I need someone to come help eat them because I couldn't eat all the bread before it went bad and ended up having to throw part of it away. Any volunteers to help eat biscuits? 

Thankfully I haven't encountered many situations like this, but there are definitely challenges to face as a travel nurse Insight about travel nursing  

Already posted to facebook but still good. 10 Things Nurses Don't Want You to Know

Only 4 more shifts and I'll be leaving Massachusetts!  Goodbye New England!


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