Bits and Pieces
Well, the weather outside has been frightful, so I've spent a bit more time than usual on the internet. I've been procrastinating instead of packing my apartment...typical. Here are a few things I found or people sent me. Hope you enjoy!
I'm more concerned about germs coming home from the hospital with me than carrying them in but.... Scrubs on the street
The internet Look how far we've come!
The internet Look how far we've come!
I made cranberry cheddar bread a few weeks ago and have leftover cranberries, so now I want to make these biscuits to use them up but I need someone to come help eat them because I couldn't eat all the bread before it went bad and ended up having to throw part of it away. Any volunteers to help eat biscuits?
Thankfully I haven't encountered many situations like this, but there are definitely challenges to face as a travel nurse Insight about travel nursing
Already posted to facebook but still good. 10 Things Nurses Don't Want You to Know
Only 4 more shifts and I'll be leaving Massachusetts! Goodbye New England!
Only 4 more shifts and I'll be leaving Massachusetts! Goodbye New England!
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