Snow Days
I've been back in Missouri for about a week and it seems like all it has done is snow! I made it back home right as the snow started falling last Friday and I've been enjoying every minute.
The drive from Massachusetts was so long...
But it was worth the drive to get to see these guys.
And to tell the truth, the snow has provided me with the perfect excuse to stay in and relax. That, combined with the fact that my date for starting my assignment in Wyoming was pushed back a week, has been an amazing blessing. So here a few pictures of the past week...nothing too exciting, but a taste of small town Missouri life. In the words of Dorothy, "There's no place like home."
Deserted downtown!
No bake cookies and Scrabble with my mom, I could really get used to snow days!
You can tell I'm a nurse. I also tried to play the word emesis but didn't have a place on the board for it.
My sister, the farm wife...who would've guessed?
Cutest goat babies ever!
I love this girl, but I think she might be a little crazy for choosing that path back to the house.
This week I had the pleasure of spending a whole day with these two.
Just us, no sisters around (although if you notice dots on their
foreheads, that's because one of the sisters decided to leave her
mark..I think she was marking them as part of her tribe). We had so
much fun and they play so well together.

Well, most of the time they played well together.
On Friday I will be leaving Missouri and heading to Wyoming to work at a critical access facility for 3 months, I'm sure there will be plenty of cold weather when I get there, but for now I'm just going to enjoy these snow days.
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