The Cutest Kids on Earth

Things have a way of working out.  I originally thought that when I left Maine I would go to Kentucky and see my lovely sister and her family before I went to Bolivia.  This meant that I would not really have time to see all my Missouri friends before I left, however as luck would have it my brother-in-law was unable to finish planting at their farm in Missouri as quickly as he anticipated so when I finished up in Maine, they were all still in Missouri.  Now, I'm not claiming that God sent all this rain to Missouri for my benefit, but it definitely worked in my favor! I have been super blessed to see all kinds of friends and family this week.  

One of the best things about this week has been seeing my sweet nieces and nephews.  I hadn't seen them in 4 months and in kid time that's a long time.  They have changed a lot in a short period of time and I think I can safely say they are the cutest kids on earth.

#4  Sweet Baby

This little guy always has a big grin for his auntie (well ok, he always has a big grin for everyone).  He says "book" to identify almost every item he sees.  He doesn't crawl in the traditional sense, but he gets looks a bit like a gorilla the way he scoots upright and uses his arms to pull himself.  He also has apparently been caught a few times putting things in his mouth because if you say, "What's in there?" he smiles and opens wide.

#3 The Big Boy
He's so grown up!  This one talks non-stop...about everything.  He still likes to snuggle sometimes.  He is also quite the little ladies man, his blue eyes and bashful grin can charm all the girls.  He is a bit accident prone as evidenced by the bruise on his forehead and is super silly.

#3  The Toothless Wonder
She has gotten so tall and lanky, my little monkey loves to climb on people. She is definitely a people person and gives out her hugs freely.  She is sensitive and sweet.  This cutie has been working on her reading but so far I haven't convinced her to read for me.

#1  The Elusive Eldest Child
I have been trying all week to get a picture of this one, you will see that I lucked out and captured her in spite of the fact that her hand was in front of the camera.  (Next time close your fingers, ok babe?)  She loves to take pictures even though she doesn't want to be in them.  She has also developed quite a penchant for pulling pranks.  She hid my shoes the other day...she hid them well and kept a straight face as she told me the wrong place to look.  Watch out for her!

There they are. The most adorable kids I know.  I think my sister and brother-in-law deserve a round of applause.  I'll be sad to leave again, but feel so blessed to have been able to spend time and give and receive lots of hugs and kisses.


  1. The elusive eldest, as you call her, is obviously related to you :)


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