Another Thankful Thursday

My week started off pretty rough (I was going to say a little, but that would have been a lie).  Monday was one of those days that made me want to curl up in the fetal position and cry; if I had had the time I probably would have.  The good news is that even though it was awful, God used that day to remind me to pray without ceasing and I was reminded not to take for granted all the blessings in my life that I tend to overlook rather than recognize and appreciate.  I tried to be more conscious of those blessings over the past few days, and I want to share them with you. So, without further ado, here are a few things that made me smile this week!
 A walk at the Cape Fear River Trail
 The location of this sign made me laugh.
Cute Coon
 Tall trees
 It's a dino!
 Love getting mail! Especially mail with presents!
 Pancakes...yes they are called single lady pancakes, the recipe only makes 3 pancakes.  Thanks Joy the Baker!

Time at the pool

Hope you had a good week, or at least are able to find the good in it!


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