Colorado Again!!

I'm sitting in a hotel room in Denver waiting for my sweet friend Bek to get here.  She and I are going on a road trip adventure this week and I can hardly wait!  Here's the bad news: apparently there were tornadoes that touched down here and back in Wyoming, this caused quite a problem for the airlines, and Bekah's flight got delayed multiple times.  Sad times.  

I'm trying to be positive though.  Here are the positives of this situation: somehow I managed to avoid the tornadoes completely on my drive here, and I got to take a lovely nap in a hotel bed while I waited (how do they make these beds so comfy?), and finally, I am getting the chance to finally put up the rest of the pictures from my recent trip to Colorado Springs before I have any more adventures and end up overwhelmed by pictures.

So here are a few of the memories of my trip to the Cliff Dwellings in Manitou Springs:

Not much commentary today because Bekah arrived before I was done with this and I got to go pick her up.  Hooray for Bek and more adventures to come!!
Good night from me and my Colorado friends!


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