Happy Anniversary!
Today marks one year since I started this blog. In my very first post I outlined the top 5 reasons I took on this project. I decided to look back and see what's changed in the past year and whether my reasons for maintaining this little spot on the internet were still the same.
One year ago I was working night shift and looking for something to do that wouldn't disturb my neighbors. I still work nights. Right now I'm not so worried about the neighbors, but in a town as small as the one I'm currently in everything closes around 8 so blogging still provides a diversion for my nights off.
Another reason I started this blog was to keep a record of all the experiences I get to have as a travel nurse...someday when I'm old and gray I will look back at pictures like this:

and remember the months I spent in Wyoming with fondness.
The third reason I started this blog was to help myself be mindful of the big and small ways that God reveals Himself. I truly think that blogging has helped me to be more conscious of God's presence in my everyday life. Here are a few moments from this week that I tried to capture when I was able to recognize His handiwork.
The third reason I started this blog was to help myself be mindful of the big and small ways that God reveals Himself. I truly think that blogging has helped me to be more conscious of God's presence in my everyday life. Here are a few moments from this week that I tried to capture when I was able to recognize His handiwork.
One year ago my sister and her family were starting an adventure of their own and had a blog to chronicle their year. Even though she doesn't blog anymore, my sweet sis was an inspiration for me to start this site.
My number one reason for beginning this blog was to spread the good news that Christianity does not equal boring. Following Christ is an adventure and it is one that is just exciting today as it was one year ago. In the past year I've gone from working at a permanent job in Missouri to being a travel nurse working all over the United States and even had the opportunity to do nursing in another country. I've grown as a nurse, made new friends, and enjoyed the beauty of God's creation in ways I never had before. I can't wait to see what the next year brings!
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