Tomato Cobbler: Unexpected Goodness

Tomatoes are one of my favorite things in the entire world, every summer I eat as many tomatoes as I can. So when I went to the farmers market this week and saw all of these beauties I could not resist them.  I am normally a purist, I just want my tomatoes sliced up and served or in the case of the little guys just popped into my mouth whole. But a while back a friend sent me a recipe for scalloped tomatoes and the idea of cooked summer tomatoes has been stuck in my mind ever since.

When I tried to find the recipe in my email for those scalloped tomatoes I could not find it, so of course a search began.  I noticed lots of recipes for tomato cobbler.  To be honest, I was pretty skeptical of the idea that cobbler could be savory rather than sweet, but decided to give it a try.  I ended up making a sort of hybrid tomato cobbler using the filling from the recipe on The Food Network website with the biscuits from Joy the Baker's recipe.  The result proved that trying new things can be rewarding. Here are a few pictures to give you an idea of the process.
Blue cheese biscuits...I am in love with these, they would be good on their own even without the tomato filling.


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