It's A Brand New Year

It's 2016! Everyone is so excited! Hard to believe last year is gone already....for me anyway, maybe no one else is overwhelmed by how fast 2015 went. I know people say time goes faster the older you get, I'm starting to think those old people know what they're talking about!

2015 seems like a blur, and with the number of changes I'm anticipating in 2016, I know the potential is there for it to fly by as well. That's why I'm restarting the blog. This year in the midst of moving, starting graduate school, new ministry opportunities, having a roommate for the first time in a long time, transitioning to being off of orientation at my new job, and trying to spend as much time as possible with friends and family, I think I I need this. Hopefully blogging will be a good way to remind myself of the joys that this year will hold and to be thankful for them in a more tangible way.

Happy New Year!


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