Thankful Thursday
I can't believe it's already October. Lately I've been struggling with the feeling that my life seems to be moving along and I'm just trying to keep up. This week I started being sad because I met wonderful people here and made good friends and I have to leave them soon. So, this morning I went out for a walk and tried to slow down a little. I asked God to remind me of all the things I have to be grateful for and help me to take the time to savor them. So, here's a list of 10 things I am thankful for today (in no particular order):
1. Fall is here!

2. I saw a girl on the trail today take a selfie of her and this snake (I am thankful because it made me laugh).

3. Candy Corn.
4. Words of wisdom from a John Piper book I'm reading: "Can you distinguish between being content in circumstances but not being content with circumstances?"
5. Texts from my sister that look like this:
6. New climbing gear

7. Cooler weather that justifies making soup and all things pumpkin (ok, it's really not that cool here, but I'm pretending)

8. Anticipation of fun times ahead with friends.
9.The knowledge that I have a job and even though my life seems less than stable sometimes because I travel, at least that's one thing I don't have to worry about.
10. Crunchy leaves! I may have gone out of my way to step on as many as possible, there's nothing more satisfying than the crunch of fall leaves.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the season!
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