Tuesday Thankfulness

It's Tuesday!!

I know for most people that doesn't mean a whole lot. Tuesday isn't the most exciting day of the week for most people, but my fellow nurses will understand that sometimes the weekend begins on a Tuesday.  I just finished working 4 nights in a row and I have to say that I'm very excited at the prospect of 4 nights off.

Taking pictures of random things has become such a habit for me that sometimes I look back and wonder why I took a certain picture, but for the most part a picture is a way to capture something that made me happy.  Today I decided to look back at my pics from the last week and remember the things that I enjoyed. Here they are:

1. Skies that look like heaven is opening up.

2. Co-workers that bring candy and conversations that only nurses can appreciate...

Warning: do not read the following unless you have a slightly twisted sense of humor.

We decided that in the event that a patient has latex and silicone allergies, a Twizzler with the ends bitten off could serve as a catheter. 

3. Opportunities for self-growth.  I finally went climbing again even though I was scared.

4. Deliciousness

5. Finding new bookstores and discovering a new motto for my life.
I'm thankful for all these things and so much more! What are you thankful for?


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